Saturday, 21 November 2009

My Love ~ Marco

I know i should be rushing for my studio during this hour of time. But, i just couldn't resist him~ He is just so adorable and cute (especially with the cloth i bought for him on). He brightened me up when my stress level reached the climax 2 days b4 final submission. He must be my angel~ I wish he will grew up healthily and happily with all the blessing from the family~ Love u ya~ Marco~

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

KumTak's Convo~

It was KumTak's graduation convo and he invited me and PuiSan to attend while his family is not around. Anyway, this was just his 4th year graduation ceremony and he will have another one graduated in Master of Architecture next year. And for me, I will have a similar one next year too. So, it's always good to have an idea of how the graduation convo will go on.

The Barony Hall of University of Strathclyde.

I m so upset that I took this photo with KumTak blocked by the award presenter.

Say cheese~
Congratulation to Kumtak~

Group Pic session

Cheers for the day~

Walking back his old flat-Birbecks Court

Opps~I just pretended that it's my flower.

Camwhore AGAIN~

Monday, 16 November 2009

Firework Nite~

It's so called Guy Fawkes Night or Bon Fire Night. I'm not that interested in the history of this day. What I do know is that they will have this celebration every year(lame~). (Ya, i know~)

The first year when i was in Glasgow, it's so fresh and so excited to be part of the event. The second year in UK, I was in LOndon doing my internship. The company organised a Guy Fawkes night out but i missed it because i was ill. This is the third year and I m back in Glasgow again. It wasn't a superb one but i don't really care. For me, It's more important that it's a nice night out with friends. That will be enough.

I don't have much nice photos in my camera. Cannot expect too much on a normal digital camera, rite?

Feli and me~ Camwhore before departing~

A bit blur but the snap was taken at the right moment with the firework behind me~

Flora is trying to teach Alex a lesson but he seems enjoy it~

This is a nice ending shot coz the fireworks end right after this shot~

Well, this is another event for SSSS. A short night out but I love hanging out with friends. More upcoming one. Stay tune~

Wednesday, 11 November 2009



“如果每天都是在穿fast fashion,我会觉得我的身体有点营养不良。”
“你喂给身体fast fashion, 你的身体就只会变成H&M的样子。。。。。你的双脚只会知道Nike和Jimmy Choo, 你的眼睛只会看见ZARA, 你的大腿只会知道窄裤管。。。。。。”
“当有一天你遇见一件挑战你的身体的衣服的时候,你才发现身体变得僵硬而无法感应,眼睛变得迟钝而失去辨别能力,你才发现你得到的是一个被fast fashion彻底污染的身体,一个被宣告得到流行流行癌的身体。”

她的意思是,现代消费生活就是一种被大量同制的潮流文化包围的生活,时尚趋势, Must Have必买清单,各类潮人推荐,名牌排行榜,百货公司,精品商店。。。。。。人们少掉感受其他世界的能力,探索力也变得迟钝。

很有趣的文章,也很实在地说明了现代流行文化的通病。尤其是我现在人身在英国,更能切身的体会到这个专栏所要表达的讯息。因为,我总是能在街头上看见很多打扮得很像的年轻人,他们身上穿的都是所谓的High Street的fast fashion,很潮流却也大同小异,总是少了一些个人风格。

Thursday, 5 November 2009

The Halloween+House Warming party~

Well, I guess this will be another long long post with lotsa photos again. And again, most of these nice photos credit still go to my dear Felicia~ But I do take some nice and interesting photos during that night.

It's Haloween and we just moved to this new house bout 2 weeks ago. So, the costume party organised was to celebrate Haloween and to warm our house up. The preparation process was a bit long and hassle too. Buying things in Asda, preparing the food till 2am midnight, hunting for costumes in the mid of rain, endless cooking in the kitchen till the smoke detecting alarm in our house first rang and cleaning our flat 20 minutes before our guests arrived were all those hassle part. However, they are also the fun part of preparing an enjoy and wonderful party.

The party is actually a great success. Despite the part that the food is not enough for everybody, I think most of our guests enjoy the party. Well~ Too much talking is unnecessary, let the pictures tell the story~

Well, like u have seen, there are so many differents character during the night: devil, witches, tarzan, oldies, thief, pirate, sailor gal, clown, cowgal, nun, fisherman, beergal, nurse, maid, teacher, 60 years old student, Lady Gaga and so so so many more. Like you can name it. What am I dressing as? Well, I am suppose to be a miang cow gal~ DOesn't make sense? Well, who cares? As long as it's great night out and it will be enough! Right?