Sunday 4 March 2012





也许,改变是人生一个不变的定律,随着时间的变换,在不同的人生轨道上,所想的说得做的也开始变得符合某个年龄层的水平。其实,或许你会埋怨为什么别人变了,为什么只有你不变?或许,你其实也变了,变得和你的朋友的轨道有些不同了,只是你还没察觉!其实,不必太在意,就算变了,他们也曾是你生命中其中一个最精彩的部分。或许,当你再度失意时,他们还是会向那些年一样肝胆相照,你会开心的找回一辈子的朋友。 或许,他们人生的轨道与你渐行渐远,你也应该庆幸,在你精彩的人生里,还曾经有过几个那么惺惺相惜或臭味相投的好朋友。

Sunday 26 February 2012

Time to blog~

I am gingergirl~ taken during USS trip!
I have been going Singapore very often lately. First time was just for leisure. The other two times were to attend interviews. I always joke about me entering Singapore so often recently until can be friend with the custom people already. 

I m not sure if i really wan to work in Singapore because I enjoy the live at home with my parent and also my little monster nephew. However i am quite sick with the traffic condition while going to work or coming back from work in KL. And with the salary range offered in Singapore, i hope it should be a wise choice. 

Oh, job! where are you? I hope u r the one that I wish to have! 

Sunday 18 September 2011


It's September already. Been staying in the flat for a year and finally move out from it few days ago. One year has gone by and i have grown much affection to this home in Glasgow. It's the reluctant and attached feeling making me getting harder and harder to leave the flat. Last 2 weeks I have been packing all my 4 years belongings to send back home. I found many little things which drawn my memory back to the past 4 years. Many things happen and many things change. Glasgow though is sometimes grey and dull but it has been my comfort zone for the past few years. I know i will miss everything here even though i have been hating it most of the time. 

Been staying with Weychii for a year and puisan for month. Puisan used to called us the three little pig - the pity 3 buddies in the house during the master thesis period. It's nice because they are always there to share my feeling and thought all the times. I know i can be quite mean sometimes especially those close to me like the other two little 'pigs'. I must really say sorry to u guys if i had annoyed u guys during these periods but i do enjoy staying with u guys and i really hope u guys feel the same too. Will miss u guys and love ya! :)

The 3 little pig. (credit: found it in google image, love it)

The real 3 little pigs forever~

Gonna cherish this period~

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Letter to my 16 years old self~

Recently I have gone through my friend, Tris's blog, writing a letter to her 16 years old self (sorry for copying your idea, Tris. I realised i also have many things to tell the 16 years old PeiFun). Hence, I decided to write a letter to the 16 years old PeiFun. One day, if the technology is advanced enough to post a mail back the old time, I hope she might have a chance to see this.

Dear 16 years old PeiFun,

Hi, I am the 26 years PeiFun from the future. 10 years has gone by. Things have change up and down but do believe me, the inner 26 years old PeiFun is still exactly like you - sincere and love dreaming! I m gonna reveal all the important and interesting things happen within this decade.

Believe me, 16 years old is the best age so far. You have just finish PMR and SPM is still more than a year ahead. Study smart but not too hard. Enjoy your life to the max and never mind the stupid SPM while you still have some times to go. Well, you might ask me what did i get for SPM. I can only said that, good job! You will do quite well but work hard on chinese pls~ Dont always skip the chinese class and do revise once in a while. You wont want to be like me, got a stupid B3 for chinese. Otherwise, just don't take BC in SPM.

16 years old is quite a changing point for you for your love life. I know you must be seeing him right now. Well, he is really a good guy. Do appreciate him. I know everybody is pretty shock because the smart and obedient girl all the time will be the first few among the friends going out with someone. And I know some of them do think that two of you not really suit each other. But that's others' opinion. Who cares? Please don't mind any of that opinions. Ok, I know that you must be very very worry and scare that our parent will find out that you are seeing someone by the age of 16. Well, I won't ask you to tell them because i know how strict they are and they will definitely stop you from seeing him. Anyway, just be careful and it's not that bad because you get to see each other in the school everyday. One thing i must must must warned you. Please never ever ditch him before his SPM examination. Don't you realise how bad this will bother him? Do you know how bad i felt when he told me about how the breakup actually affecting his important exam. I know you are stress because you need to hide the relationship from our parent and also some others think that two of you are not compatible. But, be considerate. Don't hurt a guy that you once love because that will be a black spot in your future life. 

Also, appreciate your love life now. Because, for the next 10 years or maybe more than 10 years, you will be single!!! Don't believe me? Ya, I know it's ridiculous but believe me, it is such a damn fact. You might be curious and ask me why. Well, I also want to know fucking why????? For the next 10 years, you have many things in your life except love one. There are one or two guys going after you within this period but they are not the type of guy you like. Towards the end of the decade, you realize that most of your good friends are either attached or not beside you. You realise that, sometimes, you can't find a person to go watch movie with, you can't find a person who you can go travel with, you can't find a person to have dinner with, you can't find a person to go shopping with, you can't find a person who can share secret with and you can't find a person to share your life with. I know you will argue that, there are always friends and especially you have so many sisters from volleyball team. But, do you realise, when they are all attached, they can't have much spare times for you like they have now for you. It's sad, but sometimes i think that you make yourself look too super, strong and independent. You should pretend to be soft and not that capable and you might be able to find one to go out with during this decade.

Alright, right after your SPM, you will have a first oversea trip to Taiwan. It's superfun and even 10 years later now, you will still remember it and always wanna go back again. Lucky you!! And few years later, you will have another chance to go Japan for youth exchange!!!! Exciting right??? It's really a thrilling lifetime experience! I know you will look forward to this because they are two of your most wanted visit countries.

Ok, a year later, you will finally face one of the biggest dilemma in your life - to choose which course to study after SPM!!! I must seriously, i mean seriously, very very very seriously warn you, do not ever choose architecture. What are you thinking when there are so many nice and easy courses out there and you must choose this fucking stupid course??? I know you must be choosing among dentist surgery, qs or architecture. OH my, please~ please choose dentist surgery~ You know you will do it well. You wont have endless sleepless night rushing for stupid design project causing gray hair all over your head; not too much stress until your body hormone imbalance and end up pimples all over your face; you wont have nervous breakdown and end up crying behind people; you wont have situation studying with all the younger people around you and end up no boyfriend for decade; and most importantly you wont have to study for fucking 7 years and end up graduated by the age of 26 or almost 27!!! Dont you realise how sad is my life now? SO, please, make a wise choice!! You can do anything. Literally anything except architecture and ya, medicine(the equally sad course) too~ Well, one of the main reason is that you worry about having to go straight to Australia straight to finish your degree there. Don't worry, it is the same with architecture because i spend the same amount of time and money in UK too. No different! Plus with dentist surgeon as career, you can pay our dad back faster than an architect do! Architect is the most stupid profession because it earns little and more ridiculous thing is you can even get redundant even you are just doing a year out practical training in the field!??!! Well, if you do BC well in your SPM, i guarantee you a JPA scholarship (because I screw that off due to high competition among the not full A1 students and i dont stand out), and by that time, dont need to be too worry about the financial part in studying oversea for few years. And beside JPA, they are so many others scholarship, dont be mindless and never look into them(I m so so so stupid for not taking any effort in finding relevant scholarship!)

Well, worse come to worse, if you ended up in the same path like me now~ I must said, good luck! The 7 years of architecture ain't no all bad! Beside the bad part i had just tell you, there are some good things too. First, you get to know so many good friends and people throughout the years (even though some of these good frens dont really take any initiative to contact me nowadays, but they are still important in these period of time because they cheer up your life journey). Then, you end up studying in Glasgow like me and get the chance to travel around Europe easily.  You will even have the chance to live in Belgium for half year doing your Socrates exchange and half year in London doing your internship(but you end up jobless halfway due to redundancy). You will have many lifetime experience such as experiencing 4 seasons, skiing, pickup cooking skill, travelling everywhere in europe, and so much more. I must say that, you will be more mature after all these years here and you will be more considerate, sincere and caring especially towards your family~ Because you know, no matter what, they are always beside you!

I know it will become too lengthy if i continue to tell you all the details within this 10 years. I will stop here for the moment. If there is a chance, I might send you another letter in the future. 

To the dear 16 years old PeiFun, my best advice to you is: believe yourself, love your parent, siblings and grandparent(because you will slowly lost them one by one within these period of time) even more. Love the people around you and that's the key to cheerish your life! I love you, my dear~

Monday 1 August 2011

First Baking Attempt in my life~

Got a really cheap baking book from WHSmith clearance sales recently. I decided to try my first baking attempt in my life - the easiest one - brownies. It looks nice and taste ok! First attempt - SUCCESS~
Cheap Baking Book from WHSmith

Mum's Brownies

Melting Chocolate

Mixing the ingredients

Baking in progress

Yum Yum Brownies

Sunday 17 July 2011


毕业后,与朋友们去了一趟毕业旅行!大家接二连三的在facebook上po了好几个album, 却遗漏了几张我还蛮喜欢的照片!所以,我决定把它们重新‘公诸于世’!

(p/s: photos credit to my friends though i had slightly edited them!)

Thursday 14 July 2011

Edinburgh and finally Scottish Parliament Building~

After about 3 years time in Scotland, till now only i finally visited the Scottish Parliament Building in Edinburgh. Love the sunny day and enjoying my last summer time in UK before i leave UK for good! It's a great day especially spending time with my sister n her hubby. At least it makes my day after emo-ing for the past few days! Love u, sis~

The Scottish Parliament Building

The debating chamber

The specially designed chair

The exterior

The window

The Vogue sister~ ^_^

I love this pic the most!

# Couple photo 2
Leng lui~

# Couple photo 3

The Vogue front cover~ :)


Thanks rui for this nice profile pic! :)